Passion   Purpose   Mission

be the change you wish to see

There are too many people out there stuck in a situation where they have no answers, no hope and no one seems to be listening. Toni feels blessed to have gone through her own health crisis that ultimately put her on a path that brought her passion and purpose together. She is on a mission to use her education, tools and experience to provide the kind of compassionate and personalized care that people deserve.

Meet Toni

Toni is a wife, a mom to three amazing and very active boys, a wellness warrior who lives with and successfully manages three autoimmune diseases and an ultra passionate Family Nurse Practitioner certified in Functional Medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine. Her dream has always been to ‘reach the masses’ with this root-cause, personalized medicine that saved her life. 

She has been a Registered Nurse for twenty five years (a Nurse Practitioner for the past 14 years), with clinical experience in the emergency medicine, critical care, retail and family practice disciplines and five years in the healthcare software field.  She earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, as well as a Master of Science degree in Healthcare Informatics in 2005, and Post Masters Certificate Nurse Practitioner degree in 2007 from the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City. 

Toni believes there is a reason for everything and that her 2008 health crisis was not an accident. It was her health crisis that lead her to getting certified in Functional Medicine and since that time, helping so many others get to the root of their own issues and back on the path to healing and optimal wellness.  

My Story

Toni’s own journey to health and healing began in 2008 when she became very ill after having her second child and completing her first triathlon – simply wearing herself down – was stricken with flu-like symptoms, subsequent shingles, bronchitis, and horrible nausea. After three hospitalizations and a 35-pound weight loss, she was diagnosed with “idiopathic gastroparesis”.  Essentially, her stomach was paralyzed.  After conventional medicine could not help her, she decided to seek additional alternative therapies. 

 It was ultimately the functional medicine approach that healed her.  Toni is now in tune with her mind, body, and spirit in a way that she never was before and she in on a mission to provide that hope and healing to others.  

Education & Experience


CNA, LPN, RN, BSN    1996-2000   (Clinical experience in med-surg, emergency medicine, critical care, retail health, corporate health, family practice (both low income and cash pay), anti-aging and functional medicine)


University of Kansas Medical Center, Master of Science, Healthcare Informatics    2001-2005


University of Kansas Medical Center, Post Masters Certificate Degree, Family Nurse Practitioner   2006-2007


Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice    2010 (started the functional medicine certification process)


Bioenergetics (formerly Energy) Advanced Practice Module


Cardiometabolic Advanced Practice Module


Environmental Health (formerly Detox) Advanced Practice Module


GI Advanced Practice Model


Hormone Advanced Practice Module


Immune Advanced Practice Module


Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner (IFMCP) officially obtained/completed in 2018 

"For the past 10+ years, I have had Toni as my medical care provider. She always takes the extra time to listen and research my health needs. Before I started going to her, my gut health, and hormone health were awful and through the years we have worked together to solve those issues. She has been so attentive to me that about 5 years ago, my husband started seeing her for a hormone and general health boost. He, too, has been very satisfied with the care and attentive details that she provides and attributes her for “saving his life” by recommending that he get a sleep study which has resulted in him controlling his sleep apnea. We would be lost without Toni to give us the direction we need for our health. We think of her as more than a health provider, she is a caring friend."


~Douglas & Becky H. (CEO, business owners)

"Where do I begin to testify of how impactful my treatment has been with Toni Forsyth?!!... There's A LOT I could itemize but I'll just sum it up with this: Her VERY DETAILED, Knowledgeable, COMPASSIONATE, attentive, above & beyond care has essentially GIVEN ME MY LIFE BACK!! I struggled, stumbled around from one medical professional to another for over 5 years with extreme exhaustion, low immunity, hair loss, etc... Since being in Toni's care I have regained enough energy to run my own private practice, and do LIFE with fervor as well as having my hair grow back LONGER than before it fell out! I simply PRAISE GOD for the gift of healing He has given Toni!"


~Twoana C.S., LSCSW

" I was very heavy, I had bad eating habits and was pre-diabetic. My doctor felt Toni was the absolute best resource for me. Boy was she right!

I was fairly new to functional medicine at that time. I had been told by a previous doctor (in a Western Medicine setting) that it was a possibility that I had one or more serious diseases and should be tested.  She spent two hours with me on my first visit and as many more as necessary in the days that followed to give me every resource and tool I needed.

As it turns out, I needed Toni and a nutrition plan that had me feeling like a million bucks within days. She saved my life and I am forever grateful."


~Kim P. (Business Owner)

"It wasn’t until I went to the doctor due to a side ache and after bloodwork, an ultrasound, ct scan, and a procedure, here I was a year and a half later and still had the same dull upper side ache, week-long headaches and trouble sleeping. I finally decided I was going to make an appointment with Toni and get to the bottom of it. I was excited to get started so jumped in feet first! A little over 2 months later I am happy to report I am sleeping. I am able to fall asleep at night without Benadryl (which I had to take 1-2 to every night or I would only get a couple hours of sleep). I had no idea how depleted my energy was until it wasn’t any longer. My side ache is still occasional, but less than it has been in the last 2 years, and my week-long headaches are gone. I still have an occasional headache, but is completely manageable and seems to be more weather-related. I am so happy I took the steps for my health and wish I had done it sooner."


~C.C., Closing Team Manager

work with toni

Get started with Toni by scheduling an appointment below.